A few days ago, I published an episode about Elk Horn, and in that one I told a story about some Danish immigrants. Here I also had a song created by AI about their story. I played small bits of it in the episode, but a few of you have written to me, asking to hear the entire song. Well, of course. While I’m working on the next episode from Elk Horn, here it is…
In a town called Kerteminde, on the island of Funen’s shore,
Lived Christian and Mary, dreamed for something more.
They worked the land with kids, but times were tough,
Dreamin’ of a new life – they had enough.
Oh, we’re bound for the new land, where the skies are blue,
Leaving behind the hard times, for a dream come true.
We’ll cross the wide ocean, hope in our hearts so strong,
To build a life together, where we belong.
One night by the fire, Christian sighed,
“We need a better life, for the kids and you and I.”
Mary nodded gently, fear in her heart,
The promise of a new start kept them from falling apart.
Oh, we’re bound for the new land, where the skies are blue,
Leaving behind the hard times, for a dream come true.
We’ll cross the wide ocean, hope in our hearts so strong,
To build a life together, where we belong.

On a ship to New York, through stormy seas,
Holding onto faith and dreams of what could be.
Ellis Island welcome, in liberty’s light,
Hope and fear entwined, stepped into the night.
Oh, we’re bound for the new land, where the skies are blue,
Leaving behind the hard times, for a dream come true.
We’ll cross the wide ocean, hope in our hearts so strong,
To build a life together, where we belong.

From New York to Chicago, on a train they rode,
Met a couple from Viborg, shared dreams on the road.
Heard of fertile land, the Homestead Act,
With dreams of a live, there was no turning back.
Oh, we’re bound for the new land, where the skies are blue,
Leaving behind the hard times, for a dream come true.
We’ll cross the wide ocean, hope in our hearts so strong,
To build a life together, where we belong.

In Iowa’s Hills, they built their home,
With sweat and tears and laughter, no more to roam.
Christian and Mary stood proud on their land,
In Elk Horn, they found life, hand in hand.
Oh, we’re bound for the new land, where the skies are blue,
Leaving behind the hard times, for a dream come true.
We’ll cross the wide ocean, hope in our hearts so strong,
To build a life together, where we belong.
If you haven’t heard the episode from Elk Horn yet, do that now. Not only am I telling the story about Christian and Mary and how they ended up here in Elk Horn, but I also meet the locals and visit their biggest attraction: an old Danish Windmill that was taken apart and sent to this small Midwestern town. It’s a fascinating story.
In the next one, I will explore this Danish-American settlement more.
My name is Palle Bo, and I gotta keep moving. See you.