Top-7 ting, du bare skal opleve 

22. juni 2024

Her er de vigtigste ting at opleve i Amsterdam.
Tag med, når vi udforsker byens historiske steder, levende kultur og mest ikoniske steder.  

Hey there, intrepid explorers.  

Today, we’re stepping into the vibrant city of Amsterdam, known for its rich history, picturesque canals, and a culture that’s as unique as it gets. We’re counting down the most important things to see and do in this Dutch capital.  Strap in for another edition of “Vagabond Shorts” – so if you’re looking for some quick travel inspiration, you’re in the right place. 

My name is Palle Bo and this the Radio Vagabond… “Top 7 Must-See Attractions in Amsterdam.” 


Number 7 on our list is Vondelpark. It’s like Amsterdam’s very own green getaway, perfect for just hanging out and relaxing. Imagine tall trees swaying gently in the breeze, and all around you, there’s this peaceful vibe. You’ve got cyclists cruising by on the paths, and ducks gracefully gliding on the ponds. It’s like something you’d see on a picture-perfect postcard, giving you a break from the city craziness.  

But Vondelpark isn’t just any park – it’s a whole mood. You can plop down on a bench, take a deep breath, and let all your worries fade away. Whether you’re sipping coffee by the water or simply people-watching under a shady tree, it’s all about enjoying life’s little moments. It’s a peaceful escape from the chaos of city life – and totally worth it.  

Anne Frank House 

Coming in at number six is the Anne Frank House. As I’m sure you know, Anne Frank was a young Jewish girl, who hid here in Amsterdam with her family during the Nazi occupation of the Netherlands in World War II. They were hiding in a small room behind a swinging bookcase in this house, now turned into a museum. This is where she wrote and left her diary that was published as “The Diary of a Young Girl.”   

It’s a place where history comes alive, and emotions run deep. It’s more than just a museum; it’s a journey through time that leaves a lasting impact on your soul. As you step inside, you’re transported back to a time filled with fear, courage, and hope. The air is thick with untold stories, and every creaking wooden floorboard whispers of resilience in the face of adversity. Walking through the secret annex, you can’t help but feel the weight of history on your shoulders.   

It’s a small space, so number of visitors per day is limited but within its walls, the silence speaks volumes. You’ll feel the raw emotion that still lingers in these rooms, gaining a deeper understanding of the struggles she faced and the bravery she showed. It’s a reminder of the power of the human spirit in the darkest of times. 

Note that you can’t just walk up and hope to get a ticket. You can only get them online on and only every Tuesday at 10 am CET – up to six weeks in advance. So, it takes a bit of planning.  

Albert Cuyp Market  

Next up is the Albert Cuyp Market, and let me tell you, it’s a real treat for your senses. Imagine you’re strolling through this bustling market, and the air is filled with the most amazing smells – like freshly baked stroopwafels, sizzling herring, and that rich Gouda cheese. It’s like someone cranked up the energy of Amsterdam and let it burst onto the streets.  

Now, the market itself is a total explosion of colour. Rows upon rows of stalls, packed with fruits and veggies in every shade you can think of. And the vendors? They’re shouting out their goods, trying to catch your eye with the tastiest tomatoes or the crispiest carrots. It’s like a big, lively game of veggie Tetris, with each stall a colourful piece of the puzzle.  

And let’s talk about the people-watching – it’s top-notch. You’ll see locals haggling over fish, tourists wide-eyed and amazed, trying to take it all in. It’s a mix of cultures, all gathering to celebrate Dutch food in this chaotic, wonderful place. But hey, don’t just stand there staring – dive in! Get yourself a fresh apple juice, weave through the crowds, and embrace the chaos. You might just stumble upon the best bitterballen of your life. Just watch out for those shopping carts – they can be sneaky! But hey, that’s all part of the Albert Cuyp Market experience. 

Heineken Experience  

Let’s step into a world where beer is king at number four on our list – The Heineken Experience. As soon as you walk in, it’s like a party for your senses – bubbles, barley, you name it. First off, this place is huge. It’s like someone turned a brewery into a theme park.  

There are giant vats and shiny kettles everywhere, just daring you to take a sip and join the beer revolution. But this isn’t your typical museum – oh no. At the Heineken Experience, you get to roll up your sleeves (or at least get a little sticky). You can try labelling bottles, learn how to brew like a pro, and even pour your own pint.  

It’s like Willy Wonka’s Chocolate Factory, but with more hops. And the best part? The tasting at the end. It’s like a delicious science experiment, and you’re the taste tester. Just watch out – they don’t call it the “Heineken Experience” for nothing. As you stumble out, feeling a bit buzzed and totally impressed, you’ll realize it’s not just about beer – it’s about celebrating Dutch creativity and passion. So, raise a glass, my friend, and let the Heineken Experience change the way you see beer. Cheers! 

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Third on our list is the Rijksmuseum. A treasure trove of Dutch art and history that promises much more than your average museum visit. Imagine the majestic halls adorned with golden accents, beckoning you to embark on a journey through centuries of Dutch heritage. As you step inside, the air is infused with the scent of aged canvas, setting the scene for an immersive experience like no other.   

And then, there it is – Rembrandt’s Night Watch, standing proudly before you, its characters seemingly alive and watching over the passage of time. It’s a moment that captures the essence of the museum – a blend of artistic mastery and historical significance.   

But the Rijksmuseum offers more than just paintings on walls. It’s a gateway to the Dutch Golden Age, where every corner whispers tales of bygone eras. From intricate tapestries to delicate porcelain, each exhibit tells a story of the rich cultural tapestry of the Netherlands. And as you wander through its ornate corridors, you can’t help but feel a sense of awe at the sheer breadth of history contained within its walls. It’s not just a museum; it’s a journey through time, a celebration of Dutch identity and creativity.   

Canal Cruise 

Bagging our silver medal is the classic Amsterdam experience – the Canal Cruise. Picture yourself onboard a boat, gently gliding along the city’s many iconic waterways, passing under charming bridges decked with trailing flowers and along majestic historic buildings. It’s a relaxed way to immerse yourself in the charm of Amsterdam.   

During the day, as sunlight bathes the city, you’ll marvel at the scenic facades of the canal houses, each one telling its own story of Amsterdam’s rich history. But it’s in the evening, when the sun dips below the horizon and the city lights flicker to life, that the magic truly unfolds. Amsterdam’s illuminated canals are a sight to behold, casting a mesmerising glow on the water’s surface as you cruise along. As you sit back and relax, the gentle rocking of the boat and the soothing melody of the lapping water create a serene atmosphere.   

The Canal Cruise is a journey through Amsterdam’s heart and soul – when I did it I was given a headset, with descriptions of what I was passing. So, grab a seat, settle in, and let the canals weave tales of romance and adventure around you. With every twist and turn, you’ll discover a new facet of Amsterdam’s captivating story.   

The Van Gogh Museum 

Drumroll, please! The number one spot goes to The van Gogh Museum. Stepping inside feels like time-traveling to 19th century Holland – or The Netherlands as it’s rightfully called.  

As you wander around, you can practically feel the energy of Van Gogh’s brushstrokes crackling in the air. It’s like the paintings are alive, ready to pull you into their colourful whirlwind of emotion. You’ll stand inches away from iconic pieces like “The Bedroom” and “Sunflowers,” trying to unlock Van Gogh’s artistic mysteries. 

But just when you think you’ve got him figured out, along comes the Van Gogh Experience to shake things up. It’s like they tossed the museum into a blender and splattered the results on the walls around you. Imagine stepping into one of Van Gogh’s paintings, where everything blurs and the colours dance. The Experience is a full-on sensory blast – with a heart-pumping soundtrack to match. You’ll float through fields of sunflowers one moment, then dive into “The Starry Night” the next. It’s a wild ride, for sure.  

Whether you go for the classic museum or the trippy Experience, one thing’s for sure – you’ll walk away with a deeper appreciation for Van Gogh’s genius. Just don’t be surprised if you start seeing halos around streetlamps on your way home. It’s all part of the Van Gogh effect.  

And that wraps up our tour of the top 7 things to see and do in Amsterdam. But hey, if you’ve got more hidden gems or personal favourites, drop a comment below. I’d love to hear about your Amsterdam adventures. And if you found this episode as valuable as a pocket full of tulips, don’t forget to share it with your fellow travel enthusiasts. My name is Palle Bo, I gotta keep moving. See you. 


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