I’m Palle Bo, a full-time traveller and digital nomad from Denmark on an epic journey to visit every country in the world. At age 50, I made the bold decision to sell everything – my house, car, furniture – and hit the road, documenting my adventures through The Radio Vagabond podcast.
So what exactly is The Radio Vagabond? It’s a travel podcast that allows listeners to journey with me as I explore the globe. You’ll hear me meeting locals, experiencing the excitement of new places firsthand, and delving into the rich cultures and ways of life around the world.
Antigua and Barbuda
Here I spoke to locals with the sweet sounds of a steel band providing the backdrop as we watched the sunset from one of the highest points on the islands.

South Africa
On a road trip, I stopped at a rundown cottage baring the curious name “Ronnie’s Sex Shop” and had an amusing chat with the owner about its unconventional origins.

Bali, Indonesia
I tried the famed Luwak coffee, made from coffee beans eaten and defecated by the civet cat. Surprisingly, it was really good!

Kampala, Uganda
I visited a poor neighbourhood where a small NGO is changing lives by employing local women to make beautiful handmade paper jewellery from recycled materials.

Vagabond Shorts Also as Videos
As something new, these Vagabond Shorts are also as videos on The Radio Vagabond on YouTube.
These are edited by Vidpros.com. If you would like to try them out, use promo code “VAGABOND” for 10% off your first month
Texas, USA
I went behind the scenes at a rodeo show and spoke to a former bull rider about the intense injuries he suffered during his passionate career.

Saudi Arabia
On a 4,000 km road trip, I met Dalal, a young Saudi woman working for an adventure company who credited movies and music, like Eminem, for her excellent English skills.

Those are just a few of the fascinating people and experiences along the way. The podcast also brings you along for some daring adventures like hang gliding over Rio de Janeiro, climbing the Sydney Harbour Bridge, scuba diving with massive sardine runs, riding a hot air balloon in Kenya, and even doing the world’s highest bungee jump in Macau.
I walked around the capital Tirana with a local man who told the shocking story of his neighbor receiving 10 years in prison simply for complaining that the bread quality was bad.

We rode mountain bikes along the infamous Death Road, where 200-300 people died annually before an alternate route was built.

In October 2023, I visited destroyed towns and villages in eastern Ukraine that had been on the front lines of the full-scale war with Russia.

I met a real nomad who spent the first 13 years of his life in the Sahara Desert, learning how to care for goats and camels from his father.

North Korea
One of the most fascinating places I’ve been is North Korea, where I saw thousands of people practicing military parade formations in the city squares.

Vagabond Shorts
In 2024, I launched shorter “Vagabond Shorts” episodes every Saturday with quick travel tips and inspiration on cool destinations. My regular longer format dives into the streets and culture are released as “Travel Tuesdays.”
The regular longer deep-dives where I bring the microphone to the streets are out every Travel Tuesday. And now and then he might even meet another traveller or digital nomad with an interesting story.
The Radio Vagabond takes you on a journey around the world through immersive storytelling and fascinating encounters. It’s the ultimate destination for armchair travellers seeking inspiration to unleash their own wanderlust. My name is Palle Bo and I gotta keep moving. See ya!
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