In this episode, I’m talking to a previous guest. His name is Curtin, and I’ve got to know him on a Nomad Cruise from Barcelona to Brazil. This was back in 2018, and we recorded an episode about his extraordinary life when we got to Brazil.
Curtin is an American man who put his life on hold to go to Ukraine when Russia invaded in 2022 – not to fight but to help the locals survive.
First, he went to Poland and soon started bringing food, toys, and other things across the border to the people of Ukraine.
Then after a while, he went further east to Kyiv and even all the way to the front line, putting his own life in danger.
His time as an aid worker in Ukraine and many years as a nomad is now over. He’s on his way back to the USA to teach history.
We are lucky that people like Curtin unselfishly go out of their way to help people in need.
Listen to the first episode I did with Curtin in 2018.
In a world consumed by chaos and strife,
There lived a man named Curtin, a beacon of life.
When war ignited in Ukraine’s land,
He decided to lend a helping hand.He ventured to Ukraine via Poland, a land nearby,
Bringing food, toys, and aid to supply
Through sleepless nights and tireless days,
He worked in ways that defied worldly praise.
Not to fight, but to uplift, he did strive,
To bring solace to those barely alive.
With danger as his constant companion,
He embraced the risk, fueled by compassion.
In November, he took a break,
With nomad friends, memories to make.
A vagabond appearance, a scruffy guise,
But greeted warmly, love shining in their eyes.
Now, his time as an aid worker draws to an end,
His nomadic years are also reaching a bend.
Returning to his homeland, a new role awaits,
To teach history, sharing knowledge’s gates.
We are fortunate, blessed for souls like Curtin,
Who venture where hope seems uncertain.
They put their own lives on hold, unafraid,
To extend a hand, providing aid.
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